European Architecture Medal Winner 2016
Every year, Schools of Architecture across the continent nominate one Masters Project for the ‘European Architectural Medal’. This year 120 projects were submitted from 29 countries. On the 26th November the Jury met in the exhibition hall of the Uauim in Bucharest and decided that ‘Re-constructing Porto: The Massarellos School of Construction’ was the winner of the European Architectural Medal 2016.

European Architectural Medal Result

Competition Submission

The Jury
The jury commented that ‘It tackles the problem of contextualising in a decaying urban fabric, a common preoccupation in many of our cities, looking for responsible urban regeneration. The school project tackles the brief by connecting it to its surroundings and its access points, by responding to the topography and existing imposing structures like the overhead bridge. It does this physically with the tower of the liftshaft, but also asserts its presence with the same sign. A more subtle expression of building forms and spaces diversify the school functions, as for example from the harsher laboratories on the ground floor to the airy, comfortable work spaces on the first floor. The project correctly combines regard for energy use and sustainability of materials with the characteristics of user needs. The layering of building materials, forms and juxtaposition of volumes, all hint at the didactic process of construction – which is the School’s role.’
A few photos of the award ceremony...

Of the 120 projects submitted, 30 were selected and displayed at the awards ceremony. Throughout 2017 the shortlisted projects will form part of a travelling exhibition stopping at various Architecture Schools across Europe.
I couldn’t quite believe I had been awarded this amazing prize. A really great end to a very enjoyable final year at Architecture School. To read more about the prize check out the link here